This weekend we had such a fun baby shower for a sweet friend of ours. She is having a little boy in less than a month! I was asked to make a dessert and decided to make a cake. I thought it would be fun to make a little cake topper so it would be more special and festive.
First, I sketched out the design in Photoshop. After that I took the sketch into Illustrator and traced it.
After that, I printed and cut it out with scissors. This was just a practice version to make sure it looked how I wanted it to.
Once I knew this was how I wanted it to look, I created a thin gray stroke of the design in Illustrator. I did this since I wanted to cut the design out of white paper.
Once printed, I used spray adhesive to glue it onto two other pieces of card stock so it would be sturdier and stand upright. Once glued, I started cutting out the negative space with an Xacto knife.
Once it was all cut out, Daniel helped me hot -glue it onto two skewers. I think it turned out so cute!
We had such a great time at the shower and can't wait to meet sweet little baby Luke!
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