I am trying to catch my breath as the summer winds down. I realized it is time for another peek at my life through the camera lens.... Jetting off to Boston to check out a job..Happy hump day y'all. ;)
From the top:
1. Installing this Roman Shade into a mudroom bath next week. I am loving this Robert Allen print.
2. I am taking my little one shopping for a few new outfits for "back to school". I realized while tucking her in the other night that she doesn't wear 50% of her clothes! She is my strong willed girl. I wish I owned this many colorful prints...:))
3. My friend and I went for a run in the lovely town of Duxbury the other day. Every house we pass is as gorgeous as the next.
4. Vermont is one of my happy places. It's free therapy for the soul.
5. A shot of my kids in my Dad's old school jeep. We were leaving the lake in Barnard VT.
(the sun was in their eyes but I had to get a shot of them)
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